Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Quarter Three Week 7 February 17-21

Hello 4C families!

I hope you are enjoyed the long R&R weekend. We had a wonderful Great Hearts Celebration and I am very thankful for the kindness and love that you poured out on Mrs. Conforti  I know she was very touched and thankful to all of you. Mrs. Chilson and I plan to continue with the strong foundation that Mrs Conforti and I have laid and I anticipate a smooth transition. 

History: We will continue our study of the American Revolution. 

Literature: Students will continue reading about the life of Nathaniel Bowditch. For nightly homework. For nightly homework, students will read a book of their choice for 20 minutes every night unless otherwise specified. 
All reading logs are due at the end of the quarter.

Math: This week in math students will study rounding decimals and be tested on Friday.

Poetry: Students should continue to work toward memorizing "Paul Revere's Ride." Recitations will take place on March 2nd. 

Greek and Latin Roots: Students will be assessed on roots 66-68 this week and learn the next three roots. 

Science: We will continue our study of geology. 

Spalding: I am happy to announce that Mrs. Chilson will be taking over our daily Spalding lesson. Mrs. Chilson has been trained to be a coach by Great Heart’s Spalding director, Mrs. Clouse and I am excited that 4C gets to benefit from her expertise.  Students will learn new words this week and be assessed on Friday.

Scheduled tests and quizzes this week:

Wednesday: Greek and Latin Review Check (67-69)Math Quiz
Thursday: Meteorology Quiz
Friday: Math Test - Decimals (Rounding)
Friday: Rock Quiz
Friday: Spalding Test

Please send all e-mails to both me and Mrs. Chilson & please note that Mrs. Conforti will not be reading or responding to e-mail while she is on maternity leave. 

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